Sunday, June 18, 2006

The difference between Canada and the US ...

you'd never see the US president sitting in the crowd and high-fiving fans at a sports event, without obvious security personnel everywhere ... photo from the Journal.

(Oilers won so Stanley Cup finals going to a 7th game tomorrow!)


Anonymous said...

Hurray for the Oilers. (Watched part of the 2nd period and all of the 3rd with my boys last night.) Let's hope they go all the way!!! Normally don't get to see the games here since we're usually busy in the evenings with TKD down here in Silicon Valley (more sharks territory) I came across your blog while goofing around on google late at night after the boys are in bed. I knew you a long time ago when you and my sister went to school together. Hope that life is treating you kindly. I sure do miss Edmonton but for now we are here for at least a few more years. Take care and thank you for your great blog it made me homesick but it was nice. I'll look in every once in awhile.

guidemd said...

Lorna! Hi! Good to hear from you - you can always e-mail me at guidemd at hotmail dot com ...