Thursday, November 10, 2005

Fall can be nice... even in Edmonton

The temperature in Edmonton today reached a high of 17 deg. Celsius today - needless to say, all the snow from Sunday has melted :-) I went for a 5 km run in early afternoon, when it was 14 C (already above the predicted high of 12) - then when it was even warmer I thought I'd better take advantage of it and go for a bike ride as well. I'm not sure I've ever ridden my bike in November in the 20 years I've lived in Edmonton...

(unlike usually when over the winter I lose both leg muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness/endurance, I think that 2 months of being sedentary for September-October due to injury then other health issues have led to my losing only the cardio this time - both on the run and bike my legs felt great, but my heart rate was skyrocketing!)

Unfortunately, this weather isn't supposed to last - high of -1 C and snow on Sunday, maybe I'm actually glad the Eskimos don't have a home playoff game...

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