Friday, July 28, 2006

A reasonable request ...

All I want to do before I take any questions is ask that everybody take a step back - I don't know what your position is now, and I wouldn't blame you if you were a bit skeptical because of what cycling has been through in the past and the way other cases have gone - but all I'm asking for, just for me, is that I be given a chance to prove that I'm innocent. Cycling has a traditional way of trying people in the court of public opinion before they get a chance to do anything else. I can't stop that but I would like to be assumed innocent until proven guilty, since that's the way we do things in America.

- Floyd Landis (as quoted in Cycling News).

It's hard to know what to think, Landis certainly comes across as the type of rider who wouldn't resort to doping, but then again what do we really know about any of these riders to be able to say "so-and-so would never do that, they don't seem like the type"? Some random thoughts:
1) Rumour has it that actually his testosterone level was low overall, but it was the ratio to the marker substance in the body (epitestosterone) that was high. I'm not sure exactly what that would imply, but I think it illustrates the difficulty in testing and catching people for using hormones naturally found in the body, they can't go by absolute levels and instead have to resort to other techniques.
2) There have been several athletes who have had their positive test for testosterone overturned because they were able to prove they have normally high levels of testosterone. Some of the things that have been shown to naturally raise testosterone levels include alcohol (Landis had previously admitted to having a beer after his really bad day in the mountains, which was the night before the stage he blew everyone away and the night before this test was done), and exertion (again, the test is from the stage when he powered away from everyone, lots of exertion there).
3) I wonder frequently where the line should be drawn in terms of catching doping athletes. In medical statistics we learned about sensitivity and specificity for testing, where sensitivity "refers to how good a test is at correctly identifying people who have the disease" (or are doping in this case), and specificity is "concerned with how good the test is at correctly identifying people who are well" (or who aren't doping). I'm sure that the tests they're currently using probably have both high sensitivity and specificity, but it's never 100% so there's always the possibility of false positives (meaning that innocent athletes can get banned from competition), as well as false negatives (meaning that some dopers don't get caught). Then, there is rampant speculation that dopers are using techniques so that there isn't actually any of the banned substance in their bodies at the time of a test, or that they're using substances for which there aren't any tests yet, or techniques (like blood transfusions) that really can't be tested for directly and it ends up being the police investigations (like Operation Puerto) that catch them (if at all). Which would mean that the overall sensitivity of drug testing in sports could be fairly low, and yet there's still the possibility of false positives with the tests they do have ... so what's more important, sacrificing a few innocent athletes in order to have a better chance of getting all the dopers, or trying to ensure that it's only the dopers that get caught and punished. I'd say the latter, but I wonder sometimes if that's the case at present. From a conference I attended in May, it seems as though a lot of administrative effort goes into processing the exemption forms for bronchodilators and corticosteroids which have questionable performance enhancing effects - maybe they need to make more effort changing the culture overall.
4) Are we expecting too much from athletes? Is the Tour de France really too hard (ie. through the mountains) as world champion Tom Boonen suggested during this year's Tour before he abandoned (in the mountains)? -sorry, can't find a link at the moment.

Anyway, I'm kind of glad the DP Forum is down for the moment, I'd spend too much time reading about this case if it were up and running :) , and I've got other things to think about - like our getaway next weekend to Panorama ! We *were* going to go camping to Mt. Robson provincial park in BC, but we didn't get around to making a reservation in time, and it's not like there are a lot of other options there if all the first-come first-served sites are full for a long weekend ... so we made other plans instead. For some reason I really love the Radium-Invermere-Panorama area so it's always great to go back there again :)

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