Sunday, July 30, 2006

Canoeing :-)

Ed and I took a beginner canoe course this weekend, through the City of Edmonton, at Hermitage Park. Those of you who know me via Guiding might be asking, why would she be taking a beginner canoe course? (ie. hasn't she already taken the basics multiple times through Guiding?) And you would be right - a few years ago, I even completed the CRCA Flatwater A-C certification (and a year or 2 before that I did a course where we probably even completed the D level as well but weren't being CRCA-certified). But, I never have any opportunity to practice, and Ed has never taken any canoeing course, so we thought it would be a good idea for him to get the basics. That way, if we rent a canoe again and they insist (as usual) that the guy has to go in the stern, we won't be going in circles as we usually did whenever Ed would try to steer :-).

So, it was a good review for me, and Ed found it very useful - he now has confidence that he mostly knows what he's doing. And they shifted the time from 1-4 pm to 9-12 pm each day - so as it turned out we didn't get stuck out in the rain today, bonus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My steering had nothing to do with it. I blame it entirely on the wimpy power supply coming from the bow. If the bow could keep up with the stern, the canoe would've been straight as an arrow baby!!