Thursday, August 10, 2006

What a day!

I woke up to radio news of thwarted terrorist attacks. Then I went online to read more about it, and heard that people were complaining about not being warned and that they lost their makeup, with the sudden restrictions on liquids in carry-on luggage (isn't not getting blown up a little bit more important than having to buy new makeup?)

Then it seemed that the crazies (well, one actually) on an online forum I frequent had become crazier still...

Then my day at work was so busy and demanding it made me yet again thankful I don't have to do this for too much longer (this sort of family medicine that is) - it's exactly the kind of stuff I quit last fall...

Then I heard at lunch that they found Darryl's body, which brought back all the sadness of last fall, but in the end it must bring some closure to Sue and to Darryl's family.

Then someone told me at the end of the day that there was a full moon last night, perhaps it explains my day ...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


At least you had a pleasant dinner... didn't you?