Sunday, July 03, 2005

No Time - an interesting book

Here is an article from the Edmonton Journal (originally from the Ottawa Citizen) about a book that I recently read, No Time: Stress and the Crisis of Modern Life, by Heather Menzies, a professor at Carleton University. This article focusses mostly on the aspect of how technology has affected our lives. I found this book to be very interesting, because it had relevance both to my work, and also to my volunteer experience in Guiding. I hope that in the next week or so I will be able to post a mini-book-review here of my thoughts about this book (but for now, here's the article).

Another interesting book I've read was Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell - again, there were sections that I found very relevant to Guiding and to medicine, so I hope soon to post some of my observations here.

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