A few tense moments (for me at least) with some dogs trying to chase us on one road ... then we headed back along Garden Valley Road and that's where everyone went their own speed. Except my back was really starting to hurt by then (it was sore the night before while sitting, but seemed to be okay initially that morning), so I really slowed down and at one point even stopped. Ed waited for me :-) and was supportive and encouraging when I thought I wasn't going to be able to ride again - but just getting off the bike and stretching a bit seemed to help (so I did that a few more times before we finished).
Somehow I had in my head that Winterburn Road = Range Road 231, so I was getting quite discouraged that we were in the 260's for range roads - but then we were at the turn and back again. (Winterburn Road = Range Road 260 actually I think it was).
Other than my back concerns (which didn't improve the next 2 days so I ended up going to physio three times that week - SI joint inflammation and hypomobility apparently), it was a good ride and good confidence booster for the MS Bike Tour the following weekend. I started plotting the route we took that day on Google Earth and will add it when I finish.
Edit (June 17) - here it is:

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