Sunday, January 07, 2007

Violence in New Orleans

This story moved from page B8 of yesterday's paper to the front page of the Edmonton Journal today (as well as stories on CBC, New York Times, Halifax Chronicle-Herald, and various other American media):
The shooting of an Edmonton-raised doctor in New Orleans and the murder of his filmmaker wife has sickened even those residents numbed to the violence of the city.

I went to junior high school with Paul Gailiunas (for 6 months, after moving to Edmonton, and before going to different high schools), so it seems just entirely bizarre and incredibly sad that someone I knew, even for such a short time, has had such a tragedy occur in their life. I wouldn't know what to say to someone in such a situation - "I'm so sorry this happened, take care" doesn't really seem like it would mean much. (and to make it even closer to home, apparently my parents' long-time neighbour had actually recently been staying with Paul's mother in Vancouver).

(Of interest's sake, in our Grade 9 class there were 4 of us who went on to become physicians that I know about - 3 of us who actually went to the same high school, the same university for undergrad science, the same medical school and the same family medicine residency program. I think I was too shell-shocked from moving and trying to catch up on all the schoolwork, thanks to the different provincial curriculums, as I don't remember a lot about those 6 months in junior high school in Edmonton - hopefully I didn't come across as stuck-up when in fact I was simply shy and terrified, oh well...)

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