Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My last day ... with an asterisk

So this was my last regular day seeing patients at my current job (the asterisk is because I still have a week or two of paperwork and cleaning my office, plus I'm on call next week). One of my colleagues asked at lunch how I was feeling - I'm not really sure, it doesn't really feel any different, maybe a bit of relief, but somewhat anti-climactic I think.

Maybe it's like when cyclist Robbie McEwen asked Lance Armstrong how he felt towards the end of this year's Tour de France:
I rode alongside him towards the end of the final stage to congratulate him and ask how he felt. He turned round to me and said "I feel hungry". I was thinking to myself "he can't be hungry for more success", and then he headed towards his team-mate George Hincapie and asked if he had any spare food.

Maybe it will sink in after a few weeks when I don't have any more paperwork to do and can get around to doing all the things I haven't had time to do for too long. Maybe it will sink in when I get more rest and I'm not feeling tired all the time like I seem to be now. Maybe it will sink in when I get to do more things for myself instead of just for other people all the time.

And then I know that all those experiences above I'm looking forward to will only be short-lived, because with our overall goal of having a family I'm quite well aware that having kids generally brings fatigue, less time for yourself, and not getting things done ... so I'll try to enjoy it while it lasts.

For now, I think I'll go make dinner for Ed instead of the other way around ... I am a bit hungry :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reality will set in as you are cooking me 5-star meals AND doing cleanup because you will have so much time on your hands!!